Why do you trade forex( or whatever you trade)?

This might be a question that is not asked often enough, and by that I mean asking ourselves. The area we chose to trade in is often influenced by who we are, our interests. Often when it is not, we are doomed to failure.
   Obviously the short answer is money. Markets are money at their core, so if you don’t like money trading is probably not for you lol. ( yes that was a bad joke). Finding your niche can be vitally important, especially if you are trying to make a go of it with limited capital. You need an area of focus to maximize that capital.
   To explain what I mean,  I’ll say why I do. While I’ve traded all kinds of different products in numerous markets, the last many years have been currency focused. Since I was very young I’ve loved current events. News, political policy changes and world reaction to all kinds of events. Currencies react to all of this on a daily basis. Getting to watch,listen and use information that I actually have an interest in is a huge plus for me. It keeps things interesting and helps with some of the boring downtime drudgery.
   While there are many components to trading success, having an interest in the things that effect your products make it easier. I’m not saying give up what your doing as a trader. I am saying give some thought to what attracted you to it. Why do you do what you do. You might be surprised at your own answer. A bit of introspection can be a good thing.  Be nimble. Be aware.
   See how the professional traders at Trader’s Bay Partners can help you get better https://fxblend.wordpress.com/professional-services/

Published by

Bob Tompkins

My old bio was way too long!! in short, I've trained martial arts for over 35 years. I own Team Transcend Martial arts and use my experience as former pro kickboxer to help others. spent 20 years on Wall Street, and now use all of it to write about lifestyle and help promote companies and places. Training, travel and drinks plus general lifestyle. contact me for marketing/promotion and also personal coaching. tompkinscontent@gmail.com

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