Don’t be consumed by your monitor! Life balance

Trading whether as a profession or a sideline can be all consuming. It is stressful, you always feel like you need to be watching something. If your learning you always feel like you need to be reading something. It is a constant, and can become vicious. It will eat you!  Trust me, I’ve been there. I hid health problems and caused issues at home because of this at one point. All for the chase.
      Don’t get me wrong, I love trading. I love the work, and yes you need to do a lot of work. Its just how it is. The problem is that you let it become everything. When that happens you are in trouble. The game really doesn’t have meaning unless your life does. When it becomes everything your health, personal life and eventually your trading will suffer. I’ve seen and I’ve done it.
     I’m fortunate that I have passion in other areas that now force me off the desk. They help me see the things I enjoyed in the market and get back to that. As a former professional fighter, I’ve been involved in teaching martial arts including a free program to help kids in my area. It gives me balance and I still work with some pros to get some exercise training in the ring. My daughter danced competitively around the country for years and I always helped backstage. Just something very different but I liked helping and taking my mind from the market.
   My son runs a horse stable and is a pro roper on the rodeo circuit ( daughter involved in that now too). I love to go and watch the competition and help haul gear. Sometimes I go help throw hay or bedding at the barn. Or clean stalls! So very different than this world but I love doing it and am always renewed by it.
    Find balance in your trading life. In your life!  Don’t get eaten by this business. It can happen without much notice. Be nimble. Be aware.
   If you need help learning or are struggling, check out our services page. If you like the mental tips we do, you’ll love these products ( letter is great for that). The review process is a great help for many people. And cheap!  Enjoy

Published by

Bob Tompkins

My old bio was way too long!! in short, I've trained martial arts for over 35 years. I own Team Transcend Martial arts and use my experience as former pro kickboxer to help others. spent 20 years on Wall Street, and now use all of it to write about lifestyle and help promote companies and places. Training, travel and drinks plus general lifestyle. contact me for marketing/promotion and also personal coaching.

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